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发布时间:2025-03-14  来源:国防部发布  字体大小[ ]



MND: We Urge the Philippine Side to Stop Risky but Futile Provocations



  Question:The Philippine Defense Secretary claimed that China’s increasing "aggression" in the disputed waters was considered the greatest threat to the national security of the Philippines. He also said that the Philippines and its security allies would together push back any "aggressive attempt" by China, and take measures against any attempt to impose an air defense zone or restrict freedom of flights over the South China Sea. Do you have any comment on this?


  Zhang Xiaogang: China has indisputable sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao and its adjacent waters, and has sovereign rights and jurisdiction over relevant waters. We are committed to peace and stability in the region. In fact, there has never been any problem with regard to the freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea. However, the Philippine side has repeatedly infringed on China’s sovereignty and made provocative moves, and some countries outside the region keep fanning the flames and stirring up troubles. Their behaviors undermined tranquility in the South China Sea. With many options in our toolkit, China stands firm in our resolve to protect our territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. We urge the Philippine side not to miscalculate the situation, to immediately stop risky but futile provocations, and to return to the right track of properly handling disputes through dialogue.


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